
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s

College Of Engineering, Lavale, Pune,

Alumni Association (BVCOELPAA)

The Alumni Association/Chapters contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and non financial means.

The Institution is just two passed out batches old. Though the registration of Alumni Association is under progress, the Alumni Cell has been mandated to create an environment for the growth of our students in association with our Alumni for generating intellectual capability, innovation, skill development and entrepreneurial capability in partnership with industry.

Though the Institution is young, our alumni are spread across globally, from higher education in USA and UK to employment in local SMEs and aspiring ones have taken up entrepreneurship in corporate sectors. The alumni are the link between the past and the present which shall pave way for the future. The strength of our alumni is our pride.

Key Alumni Highlights:

  1. 1. Alumni Meet: This is scheduled every year during the month of January in the academic calendar of the college. An Alumni 2016 meet was conducted on 8th Jan 2017 and alumni 2017 meet will happen on 20th Jan 2018.
  2. 2. Alumni Association: “BVCOE Lavale Pune Alumni Association (BVCOELPAA)” registration work is in progress and it will be accomplished by the end of January 2018.
  3. 3. Alumni Club: This will be established in June 2018 when our third batch will pass out.
  4. 4. Alumni Endowment Fund :

In Indian context, Universities need to have a look out at their business as an endeavor for social upliftment, knowledge creation and self-sustainability. Whilst claims are made to abide by preceding outlook, we hardly find any university or college which has an arrangement for Alumni Endowment Fund. It is our long-term plan to develop homogenous relations with our alumni and keep contributing to their development so that at some point of time, they can be looked at as Resource Centre for cultivating research, entrepreneurship and employment.

  1. 5. Alumni Guest Faculty, Alumni Engagement and Alumni contribution in Development of the college thru financial and non financial means in last five years:

The Alumnus keeps on sharing their professional experiences for skill development of the students in their respective departments (Mech/Civil/E&Tc/Comp). However, our College is just two-batches old. Our students have either just started their professional career or are pursuing higher studies or preparing for/ appearing for competitive tests. Hence, their contributions – both monetary and otherwise – could be expected only after a while.

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