
Activities - Computer Engineering Dept.

Student Activities for A.Y. 2019-20

Participation in inter-institute events by students
No Name of Student Type of Event* Name of event Organizing Institute/ University Level Recognition Awards (if any)
1. Himanshu Saraf, Sajid Shaikh University Level Competition I2E cluster level comption Suryadatta Group of Institute Bavdhan Pune University Selected in top 13 teams among 1500 teams across SPPU Pune
2. Himansu Saraf, HSPM Solition Competition Cluster Level Innovation to Enterprises (i-2-e) Competition SPPU Pune University 3rd Rank
3. Pranav Padole, Muskan Thakur, Janhawi Gudadhe, Vedant, Saurabh, Shubhit, Tanisha Jain, Reshu Singh, Aditya Rachatte Cultural Event SinhgadKarandak 2020 Sinhgad Institutes, VadgaonBudruk, Sinhgad Road, Pune State Participation
4. Group-1
Hritika Srivastava, Nikita Jamadar, Sankalp Poinwar, Manish Mathnikar, Ankit Ghatole,
Innovation Smart India Hackathon (SIH)-2020 MHRD National Participation
5. Group-2
Shruti Kashyap, Yashasvi Ganesh Ayane, Samiraj Dhananjay Shirsat,, Sourav Gupta, Shankar Laxman Gore, Sourabh Rajendra Chougale,
Innovation Smart India Hackathon (SIH)-2020 MHRD National Participation
6. Group-3
Maheshwar Kumbhar, Bhavesh Bardiya, RushikeshMadake, Sakhi Hood, Revti Kale, Shruti Sharma
Innovation Smart India Hackathon (SIH)-2020 MHRD National Participation
7. Group-4
Utkarsh Vijay Rokade,Sukanya Reddy,DarshanKishorKulthe, Sneha Menon, Prateek Srivastava,Rajnandini Kuberkar
Innovation Smart India Hackathon (SIH)-2020 MHRD National Participation
8. Group-5
Vaishnavi Nagare,Shubham Bharti, Shubham Birari, Pooja Shitole,Ajay Bagwan, Mukund Gadade
Innovation Smart India Hackathon (SIH)-2020 MHRD National Participation

Incubation/Start-Up Activities
No Name of Incubation Centre/Start-up Nature of Incubation Centre/Start-up Date of commencement/ Duration
1. Stylopedia Tech. Pvt. Ltd. Start-up 21/6/2019
2. HSPM Solutions PVPIT Internship Drive 300 + Registration Technical 8 offers, Non Technical 16 offers. Internship Period 6 Months 11 Hours Per week work period 09/10/2019
3. HSPM Solutions Cluster level completion
Shortlisted for cluster level competition after clearing college level and initial screenings.
4. HSMP Solution I2E competition selected in top 13 teams among 1500 teams across SPPU Pune. 30/12/2019
5. HSPM Solutions New Office Inauguration Ceremony 02/01/2020
6. SOFTEZI Solutions LLP Identification Number:AAR-7262 27/01/2020
7. HSPM Solutions LPP. National level Brand Name Competition 8/04/2020
8. HSPM Solutions Zoom conference with Panelist’s to discuss the Effect of Covid-19 and taking valuable inputs to Scale Up.The conference included 4 STARTUPS , Industry experts and Dr. Apoorva Palkar (Director - Innovation, Incubation &Linkeges , SPPU) April 2020
9. SHREE SADHGURU BALAJI FOODWORKS LLP. Brand "REPAS" Online Food delivery service.
LLPIN : AAS-5232
May-June 2020

Self Learning Certificates by students
No Student Name Type of Self Learning Facility Name of Subject Dates Certificate / Award Received by students if any
1. Sumit Kumar UDACITY Online Learning Android Developer Nanodegree 16/08/2019 Certificate of Completion
2. Sumit Kumar Intel AI Academy AI from the Data Center to the Edge-An Optimized Path using Intel Architecture 17/09/2019 Certificate of Completion
3. Sumit Kumar UDACITY Online Learning
Intel AI Academy
Intel Edge AI Scholarship 14/12/2020 Certificate of Completion
4. Sumit Kumar UDACITY Online Learning Facebook Pytorch Scholarship Challenge

13/01/2020 Certificate of Completion
5. Sumit Kumar Microsoft Student Partner Member Of Microsoft Student Partner Team

Feb. 2020 Certificate
6. Sumit Kumar Learn with Google AI | Explore ML ML Workshop Intermediate Track Feb. 2020 Certificate of Completion
7. All Class Online Fundamental of Digital Marketing from GOOGLE

May 2020 Certificate Received

All Class Online Various skills including IT professional and AL from TCS ION May 2020 Certificate Received

Achievement of Students in Competitive Exam
No Name of Student Name of Department Name of Competitive exam appeared/qualified Qualifying date Score
1. Manish Rajendra Mathnikar Computer CAT-2019 15/01/2020 78.45%
2. Sumit Kumar Computer Indian Engineering Olympiad 24/02/2019 Qualified Round 1
3. Shankar L. Gore Computer NPTEL July-Oct 2019 86%
4. Adesh A. Potdukhe Computer NPTEL July-Oct 2019 84%
5. Pooja R. Shitole Computer NPTEL July-Oct 2019 74%
6. Sourabh R. Chougale Computer NPTEL July-Oct 2019 74%
7. Vaishnavi T. Nagare Computer NPTEL July-Oct 2019 71%
8. Harshada Dattatray Bandal Computer Director General CRPF,New Delhi 17/09/ 2019 Appeared
9. Yogesh Tekam Computer Online 1B Round 2019 Participated
10. Yogesh Tekam Computer Hash Code 2020 20/02/2020 Participated

Names of winners at various levels of sports tournaments
No Name of the Sport / Team Name of the student Student ID Number Name of Department Level Rank


BasketBall Shruti Kashyap ---- Computer State Participant

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