
Mechanical Engineering

Brief Information


The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of the key departments in the Institute, with 10 full-time faculty members and over 10 full-time administrative and technical support staff. The department offers Bachelors of Engineering program. The department has over 19 instructional and research laboratories, equipped with some of the state-of-the-art scientific instruments and systems. Mechanical Engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and material science of analysis, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production and operation of machines and tools.

Future Scope & Career

The present age demands Mechanical Engineering specialists who have the capacity of adaptability and creativity in the new technical areas. Mechanical Engineering finds applications in all fields of technology. These engineers are required in automobile, aerospace, 3D printing, chemical, electronics, robotics, materials and fertilizer industries. Mechanical engineers also play a very important role in government sectors like Ordinance factories, Indian Railways, Army,Navy, Air Force, Marine Power Plants, Aerospace, Steel plants, Oil exploration and Refining, Technical wings of armed forces, Space research organizations etc, with the rapid rate of expansion in the industrial sector, the employment potential for mechanical engineers is a very high. Mechanical engineers also have a good scope to set up their own units of design and manufacture assemblies and subassemblies required for large industries. In service sector, mechanical engineers play a vital role by establishing service centers for maintenance of tractors, oil engines, pump sets, electric motors and other agriculture equipment’s.

Thrust Areas

  • Automotive
  • CAD/CAM, Rapid Prototyping and Additive Manufacturing
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics and Computational Heat Transfer
  • Nano Materials
  • Product Design and advanced Manufacturing
  • Refrigeration and Comfort Conditioning from Unconventional Energy Sources, Renewable Energy Sources, Solar energy
  • Robotics, Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence

With an aim to develop highly competent human resources in Mechanical Engineering profession, department is equipped with up to date infrastructure. The emphasis is on making aspirant familiar with theoretical and practical aspects of various fields of Mechanical Engineering. To develop skills in manufacturing and fabrication, we have a well-equipped Central Workshop, with an area of 4300 sq. ft. The workshop has four major sections namely, fitting, carpentry, welding and machine shop. It is fully equipped with machines.

Student Associations

MESA (Mechanical Engineering Students Association)

The mission of MESA is to focuses on the individual student and work to impart educational experience and practical knowledge to each individual. MESA is an organization formed by the students for the students. In MESA, all Mechanical Engineering students involve in different activities positively and it affects student learning and development. It provides them the platform to interact with other students both on and of the campus, thus leading to increased learning and enhanced development

ISHRAE Student Chapter

The purpose of an ISHRAE student chapter is to get more students interested, concerned, and involved in pursuing a career in the field of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration. ISHRAE student chapter activities are administered by students as elected officers which provide students with an experience that simulates running a business or an organization

SAE Collegiate Club

SAEINDIA is a professional engineering society whose membership represents practically every engineering and scientific discipline. Its members combine their specialized abilities to further advance the research, development, design, manufacture and utilization of vehicles which operate on land, water, air and space.

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