
National Service Scheme (NSS)



NSS was established with due considerations of community issues. NSS Motto is NOT ME BUT YOU It is very deep and suggestive and is keeping with the spirit of service for other.

Aim of National Service Scheme is ‘Development of the Personality of college Students through Community Service’. Programs Offered by SPPU is Special Camp (07 Days) and Regular Activities (Community work) 120 hours in year.

NSS Officer

NSS Officer

NSS Officer is appointed for smooth and proper implementation and monitoring of various activities done under this scheme. The details of the officer are as following. Students should contact to the officer regarding student NSS schemes, benefits or activities.

Program Officer


Mr. Patil Sangram Chandrakant


Assistant Professor

QualificationB.E. (Civil), M.E.), (Construction Management), Ph. D. ( Pursuing)

Official Email Id

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Contact No.+91 7350766305

Activities / Schemes implemented

Activities / Schemes implemented

  1. A.Y. 2023-24
  2. A.Y. 2022-23
  3. A.Y. 2021-22
  4. A.Y. 2020-21
  5. A.Y. 2019-20
  6. A.Y. 2018-19



राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजनांच्या शिबिरात अग्निशामक दलाचे प्रत्यक्षिक - मुळशी

Quick Enquiry Form

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  3. Mobile(*)
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  4. Interested Branch(*)
    Please select the branch you are interested in
  5. Enter the image code(*)
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