
Institutional Distinctiveness

Industries being the major stake holder for technical institution, Industry-Institute interaction is an indispensable requirement to enrich the Teaching Learning Process. Institute has initiated One Faculty One Industry Connect so that each faculty could get opportunity to interact with their domain of interest which would consequently broaden the spectrum for industrial exposure to students. One to one contact for the industry from institute would be highly beneficial to strengthen the interaction with industry. Each faculty of the institute identifies an industry as per the field of interest and initiates various activities that provide industrial exposure to the students and faculty as well. The MoU signed with industries have been considerably improved. The Interaction with industries through industrial visits and expert talk by industry experts has been significantly improved. Long term association with industries in an organized manner have been established. Teaching Learning process have enriched with the support from the Industries. Need based collaborative courses have been initiated through this activity.

Organisation Date of MoU signed Purpose and Activities
eMastro Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Pune 25/2/2019 Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Internship
Mass Technologies Pune 8/3/2019 Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Internship
PROERROR Software Solution Pvt.Ltd., Pune 5/3/2019 Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Internship
Abhinav precision works. 10/12/2018 Internship, Visit, Job
Trimetric Engg. & Manu. Soln 10/12/2018 Internship, Visit, Job
Yeshwant Udyog 10/12/2018 Internship, Visit, Job
Kakade Laser 5/3/2019 Internship, Visit, project work
Shree Saigan Industries 24/11/2018 Internship, Visit, Job
Technomat spring 24/11/2018 Internship, Visit
Yeshwant Industries. 24/11/2018 Internship, Visit
Nobel Cast Comp. Pvt Ltd 28/03/2019 Internship, Visit
Talegaonkar Profile pvt.Ltd 14/03/2019 Internship, Visit
PANM Industries 14/03/2019 Internship, Visit
Shonarya Tech. Pvt. Ltd 14/03/2019 Internship, Visit
Shivkrupa Engg. & Coat. 21/01/2019 Internship, Visit, Job
Aditya Moulds & Design & Manu. 14/03/2019 Internship, Visit
Eship Simpified 17/6/19 to 17/7/19 Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Internship
Shreesamarth Tech Process, Pune 17/6/19 to 17/7/20 Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Internship
Sensycon controls 17/6/19 to 17/7/21 Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Internship
STORM ENERGIE 2/042019 Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Internship
ROPES TECH 12/4/2019 Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Internship
IDSS Global services 22/3/2019 Onsite Training & placement
Prithvi Group 3/8/2019 Onsite Training & placement
Om Sai Builder, KARAD 26/3/2019 Onsite Training & placement
Mohite Construction 14/3//2019 Onsite Training & placement

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