
Activities - E&TC Engineering Dept.

Session on installation and configuring JAVA and SQL

A session on installation and configuring JAVA and SQL was conducted by Tejas Chavan (Student TE-E&TC) on 02/08/2022 at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, Lavale, Pune at Department of Electronics and Telecommunication.

Poster Competition

Poster Competition was held on 29/04/2022 at 1:00 PM at the Auditorium of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, Lavale

Smart India Hackathon 2022

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering Lavale, Pune, showcased their talent and Team "Deamon" won 1st prize at National level "Smart India Hackathon 2022" held at Nagpur Nodal Center. This Event was coordinated by the Dr.Neha S. Shahare of Department of E&TC as College Level Mentor.

Workshop on - "Machine Learning with Python"

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Lavale always aims for a better career for each of the student. Considering the future requirements and career scope, Computer department and ENTC department arranged a 3 days’ workshop on the topic - "Machine learning with Python", which was inaugurated on 21/01/19 and will conclude on 23/01/19. The inauguration function was conducted in Mechanical seminar hall with presence of Hon. Guest Mrs. Sumedha Sahasrabudhe, Hon. Mrs. Kalpana Kothawade, Mr. Khairnar, Dr. R. N. Patil , Principal BVCOEL, Prof. U. C. Patkar, HOD Department of computer Engineering, Prof. A. B. Wani, HOD Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and143 students from BVCOE, Lavale. Total 93 (From E&TC -42 and From Comp-51) registered and successfully completed 3 days workshop at BVCOEL.

Guest Lecture on - "Three Phase Inverter and Converter"

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Lavale always aims for a better career for each of the student. Considering the future requirements and career scope, ENTC department arranged a Guest Lecture on the topic “Three Phase Inverter and Converter”, which was delivered by Dr. D. E. Upasani (HOD, Subject Chairman, SITS, Narhe, Pune) on 25/02/19. As per schedule the lecture took place for 2 hours. Total 18 students from TE (E&TC) had attended the same.

Industrial Expert Lecture on - "Art of reading Electricity bill”

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Lavale always aims for a better career for each of the student. Considering the future requirements and career scope, ENTC department arranged anIndustrial Expert Lecture on the topic “Art of reading Electricity bill”, which was delivered by Mr.Yogendra Talwar (DIRECTOR STROM ENERGIE PVT. LTD. KOTHRUD, PUNE) on 19/03/2019.

He gives the emphasis on the topic which is related to both commercial and domestic field in day to day life that is Electric Bill. Sir explains how we can reduce the electric bill by using just one Electric Panel (APFC –Automatic Power Factor Controller Panel). As per schedule the lecture took place for 2hours. Total 27 students from E&TC Department had attended the same.

Industrial Visit to- “ROPES TECH Pvt. Ltd.”

On 29th March 2019, the students of Electronics and Telecommunication Dept. of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, Lavale, Pune got the opportunity to visit Ropes Tech Pvt Ltd. – a company situated in Dhayari, Pune and which focuses mainly on manufacturing, design and various processes on Printed Circuit Boards(PCBs). It was really a very overwhelming experience as we got to experience real industry culture over there. ROPES Tech Pvt Ltd. has a very systematic setup for its various processes. The company mainly gets orders from customers who have their design ready and want to get it implemented on a PCB. Total 35 students from E&TC Department had participated the same.

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