Board of Student Development
Board of Student Development (BSD)
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering is affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. As per the university guideline, college has formed the Board of Students’ Welfare.
The Board of Students’ Development(BSD) looks after the protection of rights and supervises the Development activities of the students of the college. BSD promotes and co-ordinates the different students’ activities for better corporate life. BSD tries to nurture students' mental, physical, cultural growth with various activities to improve their overall personality development and to make them civilized Indian citizens to compete in the globalized world. Prof. A. M. Ingole is appointed as Student Development Officer (SDO) to look after the implementation of various activities and schemes under this board.
The Objectives of the Board of Student Development (BSD)
- To organise student welfare activities at college and university level.
- To make the opportunities like taking part in various inter collegiate or inter-university competitions like youth festival, debates, cultural activities etc. available to the students.
- To encourage and motivate the students to plan, organise and implement the activities of national importance.
- To rise the students’ social, cultural and their literature knowledge for living healthy and strong educational life.
- To establish Student Council through proper election process as per the Maharashtra University Act.
- Informing college about various schemes of central and state government and to guide about the implementation of these schemes.
- Providing financial assistance to students on emergencies.
- Helping the casualty students to get benefits of insurance cover
SDO information
Student Welfare Officer (SWO):
Student Welfare Officer is appointed for smooth and proper implementation and monitoring of various activities done under this scheme.
The details of the officer are as following. Students should contact to the officer regarding student welfare schemes, benefits or activities.
Activities / Schemes implemented
- Earn and Learn 2018-19
- Application of Laws related to Women by Adv. Rama Sarode
- Karate Training by Steel Core Martial Arts
- Workshop on Disaster Management By NDRF
- Workshop on Cyber Security
- Expert Lecture on improving GD PI Communication
- Environment Protection Awareness and Urban Solid Waste Management (पर्यावरण संरक्षण, जागृती आणि शहरी भागातील घनकचरा व्यवस्थापन)